How might we help you or your family today?
Planning for retirement isn’t just looking at financial projections and estimates of future wealth. While projections are important, they aren’t nearly as important as determining the type of retirement you want and how your investment assets can help you achieve those goals. We can’t help build an investment strategy without knowing what that overall plan for retirement might be. Contact us to see how we can help. READ MORE. -
A robust estate plan aids in the transition of assets to the next generation, potentially preserving family harmony and avoiding excess taxation. Nobody likes to talk about estate planning, but avoiding the discussion altogether may prove costly for your heirs. READ MORE. -
There are many ways to save for your child or grandchild’s education. We’ll look at all aspects of your financial affairs to determine a strategy that works for you. It may be Registered Education Savings Plans, a trust for children or grandchildren, taxable assets set aside for education purposes, or all three. Remember, there is always more than one way to accomplish an objective. -
If it is better to give that receive, surely it must be even better to give more efficiently. Unfortunately, many are not aware of strategies that allow them to give more effectively. Once you’ve determined the causes you want to support, we can work with you to do it properly. It could be a simple as encouraging you to donated appreciated securities, or we can set up family foundations. We’ll work with you to determine the right solution. READ MORE. -
Nobody plans to get sick. But a good financial plan needs to take that into account. If you were unable to work, a proper insurance plan might allow you to focus on recovering instead of worrying about your finances. Unfortunately, corporate insurance policies may not be enough, and self-employed individuals are woefully underprotected. -
A good tax plan isn’t about reducing taxes. It’s about making sure you don’t pay more than your fair share. Ensuring that portfolios are optimised for taxation is an important part of our service to clients. -
We offer no-cost, no-obligation consultations. Part of our mission is to help remove jargon from the industry, which only causes stress and confusion for clients. You can always read our thoughts in our Market Update, but for a more personal touch please feel free to reach out directly by phone or email.