Lessons from the Starting Line
Claudette Hutchinson has spent many years working with nonprofits in a number of sectors. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that she has recently turned her attention to creating social change herself through her own start-up nonprofit. In this conversation, Claudette discusses some of the steps she took to make sure she gets her project off on the right foot from Day 1.
Lexicon Financial Group of Raymond James Investment Counsel ("RJIC") believes in a different kind of service model for nonprofits and charities. Our approach recognizes their unique needs, and offers expertise beyond portfolio management and asset allocation. This videos on this channel shares stories, information and knowledge from leaders in the nonprofit sector, helping the entire sector grow and prosper. Please see “Social Media Disclosure” in the “Links” section below for important disclosure information. Information within these videos are from sources believed to be reliable; however, we cannot represent that it is accurate or complete. It is provided as a general source of information and should not be considered personal investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Craig Swistun is a Portfolio Manager with RJIC. The view and opinions contained in the article are those of Craig Swistun, a Portfolio Manager registered with RJIC.
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